Saturday, December 24, 2022

how does wheel of names work

Wheel of Names is a fun and unique way to select a name from a list of participants. It's used for drawing names from random groups, such as classrooms, offices, or organizations. Rather than the traditional method of assigning names by drawing numbers out of a hat or choosing someone out of a circle, Wheel of Names saves time and makes the selection process more interesting.

The concept behind Wheel of Names is fairly simple. A wheel (either physical or virtual) is divided into slices that contain names or whatever else you need to assign (e.g., tasks, projects). Once the wheel has been constructed and its contents have been filled in, all that remains is to spin the wheel and watch as it lands on an individual name or choice.

An example Wheel of Names might look something like this: first slice contains Person A's name; second slice contains Person B's name; third slice contains Person C's name; fourth slice contains Person D's name; fifth slice contains Person E's name; sixth slice contains Person F's name; seventh slice contains Person G's name, etc. As the wheel spins, it lands on one of these 7 persons and randomly selects them for whatever it is you're trying to assign them (e.g., team captain).

However, Wheel of Names isn't just limited to selecting individuals - it can also be used for other purpose such as randomizing items from an existing list (e.g., song selection for a music list), selecting random phrases from a dialectic toolkit (e.g., mindset words), generating new words for brainstorming sessions, and providing creative prompts for inspirational journalling sessions.

See more about name wheel

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